Leaf Manipulation Workshop
February 13, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
| $30The Floralia Guild presents Janice Hamlin’s Leaf Manipulation Workshop. Learn to take a familiar leaf and fold, twist, braid, or staple it into a new and exciting form. Manipulated leaves can be used to give dimension, depth, or pattern to a floral design.
Janice Hamlin is a National Garden Clubs Flower Show judge and design instructor. A member of Creative Floral Arrangers of the Americas and Florida State Florists Association, she has exhibited at World Flower Shows in Boston, Dublin, and Barbados.
Tickets: $30
Participants: Please bring three palmetto leaves, clippers, tape, and a small stapler to use in class.
Make checks payable to Virginia Kirby and mail to:
4401 Lakeside Drive #202
Jacksonville, FL 32210
Questions? Call Patsy Galliard at 904-384-7465