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Join floral designer Laura Haley as she demonstrates contemporary designs that could be entered in a flower show. Haley is the Governance Chair of the Garden Club of Jacksonville’s Board of Trustees, a member of the Late Bloomers Garden Club, and a 2019 National Garden Club of America Medalist for outstanding achievement in the field of floral design education.

Flower shows have been around for hundreds of years and are popular forms of entertainment and education for exhibitors and visitors. The emphasis of most flower shows is to showcase horticultural specimens, floral design creativity, and conservation or environmental stewardship. A flower show’s rules and guidelines are presented in a schedule with the various subject divisions consisting of classes or categories of competition.

In the floral design division of a flower show, the class titles become the source of inspiration and interpretation.. The class description may also specify a particular design type, such table design. During this program, Haley will emphasize how the class title was interpreted. A floral design judge, exhibitor, and educator, Haley will demonstrate designs from actual flower shows, explaining concept and interpretation. She will include insight into design styles and mechanics for creating contemporary designs and explain how understanding the principles and elements of design serve to guide exhibitors in their floral designs.

Register today for this Zoom program at 10 a.m. Thursday, March 11. This virtual program is free, but you must register. Once you do, we’ll send you the link, so you can join the meeting.

Learn more about the Garden Club’s virtual programs here.


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