Master Gardener Volunteer Evie Pankok educated guests during a rainy night on April 11 about the who, what, why, when, where, and how of rain barrels. Rain barrels are a great way to reduce stormwater runoff and save water for a dry spell. Evie provided guidance on how to build your own rain barrel with some basic supplies and a few simple steps.

Rain barrels capture water and hold it for later use such as on lawns, gardens, or indoor plants. Collecting roof runoff in rain barrels reduces the amount of water that flows from your property. It’s a great way to conserve water, and it’s free water for use in your landscape.

Evie Pankok is a master gardener volunteer in Duval County whose specialty is environmentally friendly landscapes. She recently retired from the Duval County Extension Office where she served many years as a horticulture agent and then as a Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ program assistant.


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