On January 22, the Governing Board approved the new bylaws. Probably the most significant change is that the Garden Club is changing its method of governance to a Board of Trustees that will be responsible for all major decisions. The bylaws require the Board to be made up of 21 to 30 members, serving staggered three-year terms.
How do we get there?
The plan is to phase in a full board with the minimum of 21 Trustees, elected this spring; this Board will include Trustees who have one, two, and three years left to serve. This will begin the “stagger.” A year from now, a new slate of Trustees will include approximately 10 Trustees serving the last year of a three-year term, 10 serving their second year of a three-year term, and about 10 more beginning a three-year term. We will then be set up to have a full Board of Trustees with one-third finishing terms each year.
The reason for this?
Rotation of leadership is a necessary part of the Garden Club’s continuing growth and success. The Garden Club is best served by having the greatest diversity of members and talents possible involved in the organization. We are all about fresh ideas for the Garden Club!
How can I participate?
The key to filling the Board of Trustees with fabulous and enthusiastic members is the self-nomination process. This self-nomination form gives you an opportunity to participate in the future of our Garden Club. (Garden Club Board Nomination Form Print | Garden Club Board Nomination Form Interactive)
Deadline to submit?
Please follow the instructions on the form and submit by March 31.
What would be required of me if I were to serve on the Board of Trustees?
Please read the Expectations of Trustees document (Garden Club Board Expectations). We need your time, talent, and treasure, as does any volunteer board, and want all Trustees to understand front-end what is expected.
What if I have questions or want to discuss?
We are the Nominating Committee that was elected at Governing Board meeting. We have had one meeting to set the timetable and to elect a Chair. Please contact Jennifer Newman (newm2370@icloud.com) if you have questions.
Please consider whether you would like to be an active part of the Garden Club’s future.
Grow with us!
2020-2021 Nominating Committee
Jennifer Newman, Chair, Rose Circle
Debbie Byrd, Ortega Forest Circle
Patsy Gaillard, Della Robbia Circle
Sam Runyon, Wildflower Circle
Marty Jones, Late Bloomers Circle