Jeremy Marquis of Marquis, Latimer + Halback discussed the landscape architectural firm’s redesign of the Garden Club’s campus on March 21. The shared vision is to build a resilient and accessible landscape for the next 100 years of the Garden Club.

The new design will emphasize seamless accessibility from the moment a visitor enters, energy-efficient lighting, beautiful water features, colorful perennials, and a grand view of the St. Johns River.

As principal-in-charge of Marquis, Latimer + Halback, Jeremy Marquis has led the firm in the successful design of spaces ranging from private gardens to college campuses. His attention to detail and innovative solutions have resulted in award-winning projects that have been recognized by the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, and the University of Florida. In addition to his design acumen, Jeremy has developed an excellent reputation for leadership and building consensus. Jeremy is a past member of the St. Augustine Historic Architecture Review Board and a frequent guest juror at the University of Florida.


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